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4 Simple Things To Start Doing Today For Better Senior Health

4 Simple Things To Start Doing Today For Better Senior Health

When it comes to our health, it’s often not the big things done once that matter. It’s the little things done regularly that add up to a really big thing over time.

This is how it is with senior health.

A lot of the things that are good for senior health usually should have been regular parts of our lives long before we became so… well… you know… old. However, life is an active process and, even if you have neglected your health for the years leading up to now, that doesn’t mean that nothing can be done.

Actually, it would take a book, possibly even several large volumes to present all the things that can be done for better senior health. The good news is that some are pretty easy to do and can be started today, if you are not already doing them. If you are, then, go look for that book I was talking about so that you can start working on the other stuff.

If you’re not there yet, here are four simple things to start doing today, and each day, for better senior health.

1. Drink more water.

Now, I know that you have heard the “drink eight glasses of water a day” thing for years.

Have you done it?

Of course not, and, I’m not going to tell you to start.

However, most of us go through life at least a little bit dehydrated, which has a negative impact on our health at any age, but, in our senior years it can be devastating. Severe dehydration in older folks can contribute to such bad things as high blood pressure, falling, and even dementia.

Even so, I know you are not going to count your glasses of water each day, but, here’s a couple of simple little trick to keep hydrated throughout the day. Every time you go to the bathroom, drink a cup of water. I don’t even mean a “cup” as in eight ounces, just fill up that little plastic thing by the sink and drink it down.

This is especially good first thing in the morning as it has been several hours since you last drank anything and yet, your body has been losing its water all night long, and using what it had for bodily wwwcbdbossus which went on even while you were asleep.

2. Drink a liquid protein supplement.

First of all, you may have noticed that right after I tell you to drink more water, I tell you to drink a liquid protein supplement for double-barreled health benefits.

More hydration, right?

Yep, but, another point is that protein needs liquid for processing, and, taking it in a liquid form, helps reduce that need to drink extra water… an instruction you will find on most solid protein supplements.

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