Dog Advice

High Anxiety Dog Crate

The high anxiety dog crate is a type of box designed to settle dogs down in stressful situations like sickness, loud sounds, or extreme separation anxiety.

The structure or build of high anxiety crates and conventional crates differs. To keep your dog contained at all times, high anxiety cages are often manufactured from robust materials like reinforced steel.

In order to provide your dog with a cave-like atmosphere that is meant to be reassuring, the high anxiety dog cage also tends to have a more closed construction.

Is a Crate Good for an Anxious Dog?

A crate can help a nervous dog, yes. This is only accurate, though, if the dog adores its crate. Your dog may find comfort in a crate during trying times. Dogs adore cave-like environments by nature, and a sturdy box may give them the same sense.


Read Also: High Anxiety Dog Crate: 10 Best Dog Crates For Separation Anxiety

What Should I Look for in High Anxiety Dog Crates?

When choosing a high anxiety dog crate, these are the main properties you should look for:

  • Crate Size. A good crate must be the right size, not too small, not too big. A small crate is uncomfortable, and a very big one can worsen your dog’s anxiety. If you have a small dog that is still growing, you can purchase a large crate and use a divider to reduce the space inside.
  • Chewproof Material. Anxious dogs are known to be chewers, so it is imperative to opt for a strong material that can’t be penetrated by a dog’s teeth. You might not want to choose a designer wooden crate for an anxious dog.
  • A good high anxiety crate must be built from a sturdy material, preferably metal or, more specifically, reinforced steel. A large dog can easily chew and tear through a flimsy wire crate when the anxiety kicks in.
  • Choose a crate you can easily keep in good shape. This means it must be easy to clean, repair, and find spare parts for. A removable tray at the bottom is always nice to have since anxious dogs are prone to urination and defecation accidents.
  • Closed Structure. If you want to mimic that cave-like feeling with a crate, it goes without saying that you shouldn’t choose an open crate. Find a crate with just enough ventilation to allow airflow but also enough privacy to feel comfortable for your dog.
  • Finally, pay attention to the brand’s reliability. In general, a trustworthy, reliable brand will display reviews from other previous customers. It will also offer money-back guarantees and warranties.

How can I Reduce My Dog’s Anxiety in His Crate?

Some of the ways you can use a crate to reduce dog anxiety include:

  • Crate Training. For a crate to be an enjoyable experience for a dog, she must first be able to tolerate it. You can utilize crate training techniques like desensitization and positive reinforcement to train your dog to love her crate.
  • Make the Crate Comfortable. Make the crate experience enjoyable for your dog by giving her her favorite treats and toys when she is inside. You can also add a cushion, dog bed, or mat to make the crate more attractive to stay in.
  • Don’t Make the Crate a Punishment. If you want your dog to grow to love its crate, don’t use it as a punishment when it does something wrong. This will teach the dog that its crate is a place of punishment rather than a safe place.
  • Get a New Crate. If your dog already dislikes her current crate, finding a new one that she has no negative feelings for may help her come around. In this case, you should get a different crate type and design.
  • Use the Crate While at Home. If you are using a dog crate for separation anxiety, start by letting your dog into the crate while you are home. This way, your dog won’t associate the dog with your departure and will tolerate it better when you are leaving.

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Tags: Dog Crate

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