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High Anxiety Dog Crate

High Anxiety Dog Crate

The high anxiety dog crate is a type of box designed to settle dogs down in stressful situations like sickness, loud sounds, or extreme separation anxiety.

The structure or build of high anxiety crates and conventional crates differs. To keep your dog contained at all times, high anxiety cages are often manufactured from robust materials like reinforced steel.

In order to provide your dog with a cave-like atmosphere that is meant to be reassuring, the high anxiety dog cage also tends to have a more closed construction.

Is a Crate Good for an Anxious Dog?

A crate can help a nervous dog, yes. This is only accurate, though, if the dog adores its crate. Your dog may find comfort in a crate during trying times. Dogs adore cave-like environments by nature, and a sturdy box may give them the same sense.


Read Also: High Anxiety Dog Crate: 10 Best Dog Crates For Separation Anxiety

What Should I Look for in High Anxiety Dog Crates?

When choosing a high anxiety dog crate, these are the main properties you should look for:

How can I Reduce My Dog’s Anxiety in His Crate?

Some of the ways you can use a crate to reduce dog anxiety include:

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