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How to Raise Farm Chickens

Chickens are a primary farm animal that provides us with meat and eggs. Some people consider them to be a good companion as pets too. So, if you want to raise chickens for your farm or to keep as a pet, then you have come to the right place. Here is a complete guide on how to raise chickens.

An Appropriate Brooding Box

The brooding box may be as plain as a cardboard package. It’s got to be tall enough to prevent the chicks from running down. It’s got to be big enough for a food bowl, a water bowl, and chickens.

There is also a need to prevent the chickens from getting cold, as temperatures can kill the chicks quite quickly. Brooding boxes come in various types, sizes and prices. If you’re not sure whether you’re going to be brooding your chicks anymore, just invest in a cheap brooder, to begin with, and you can update the box when needed.

Comfortable Bedding

Anything gentle and soft like some pine shavings would do. They are offered in tiny balls at most farm shops and are cheap. If your brooding box has a slick floor, place some toilet paper under your bedding so that they may stay and keep up well, or they will have trouble standing and walking.

A Warm Environment

Chicks need a great deal of warmth. They don’t get real feathers until they’re about 6-7 weeks old, and they can’t control their own temperature, so you need to support them by keeping the climate regulated.

You should use a heat lamp or a heat plate. They would need to be heated for around 6-7 weeks or until the atmospheric temperature is about the same as that of the brooder.

Appropriate Supply of Food

It is recommended that you feed your chicks using the following guide:

Chick feed may come as a medicated or non-medicated meal. Medicated feed is medicated with a coccidiostat that helps shield them from coccidiosis – a devastating disease.

When they start consuming greens such as grass or dandelions, they’ll need a little chick-grit dish to support metabolism to make sure they don’t get a seed.

Adequate Supply of Water

Water is essential for the health of all creatures. Water should not be too dry, not too chilly, but just perfect. You’re going to have to drop the beak of the chick in the water at first so that they realize where it is. After that, they will all be able to locate the water bowl. Try the same thing for a meal bowl, too.

When the chicks are just a few days old, you’ll need to apply some clean twigs or pebbles to the water bowl so they can’t slip in and drown. Within a week or two, you should cut them because the chicks are going to be strong enough not to sink themselves.

Proper Hygiene

It is really essential that their brooder, feeder, and the watering area is kept tidy. You ought to clean the feces regularly, refresh the litter as much as you like to. When it gets dirty, it has to be adjusted. Wash and sanitize the feeder and waterer at least every other day.

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